003 — Git Branches

Cliff Bailey
2 min readMay 19, 2022

Git Branches

You can think of these as timelines running parallel to each other. They allow developers to safely work on different aspects of their game (and/or software) with mitigated risk of fouling the whole thing up.

Commonly, it’s good to use two primary branches: the dev branch and main branch.

Dev branch: where the game or program is being developed and actively worked on.

Main Branch: where everything comes together for building the final product.

Say a bug is discovered in the code — it’s more likely to be found in the dev branch instead of the main that’s being released to the public. This way your team isn’t putting out buggy code.

Coming from a video game context, let’s say we’re working on an RPG. We can make different branches for the different systems: a quest branch, a magic branch, a combat branch, an inventory branch; branches for the overworld and branches for locations.

**git branch**

lists out available branches. The branch with the asterisk is the one you’re in.

To switch to a new branch, type

**git checkout [branch name]**

Anything done in one branch does not affect anything else in the other branches.

To make a branch in Git use the following command:

**git branch [name of new branch]**

Once created, type

**git branch**

to see your list,

Next up, we’ll look deeper into switching around between branches.



Cliff Bailey

Software Developer w/ADHD learning and doing life.